Monday, May 08, 2006

A Long Walk and a Short Pier

I've never really cared much for the 'walk across the stage and get your diploma' thing.  I did it in high school because it wasn't really an option, but I've been able to avoid it ever since even though I've had a few opportunities.  The thing is, it just seems like another manufactured celebration designed less to express pride in hard-earned accomplishments and more to stroke egos and siphon cash.  In this line, see class rings, yearbooks, most student government, etc. etc...

Reason I bring this up is that I think I'm being kidnapped and forced at diploma-point to walk for my MA.  My fellow grads told me I had to.  The admin folks demanded that I had to, and most difficult to duck, the department chair, who I really like, asked me to.

feh.  renting a gown is how much?  My funding didn't cover wardrobe. 


jayfish said...

can you make your own gown? what if you rode by really fast on your bike?

go naked?

Overread said...

I asked if I could wear a hefty bag. They didn't seem amused...

sheepish said...

I didn't walk for my BS or my PhD. I think my parents are still pissed that I didn't, but I'm glad I didn't have to sit through the ceremonies.