I made a trek to the city to get camera toys today. Long story short – there were issues with public transportation. Again. This is why I don’t go to the city much. Bonus public transportation story. My Anthony Burgess book was a little big to lug around, so I picked up another smaller book that had been looking longingly at me from my bookshelf to join me on the trip. It's Naked In Baghdad by Anne Garrels. Anne is one of NPR's corresponents and one of the handful of American journalists who stayed in Baghdad through the war. The book is organized as a journal of her days interspersed with emails that her husband sent off to family and friends to keep them all informed about Anne's activities. It's really a moving portrait. I really like this type of book and recomend Shutterbabe and My War Gone By, I Miss It So. When I've got more time, I'll write more about these.
In any case, I made it there, and I bought paper and film and little negative holders. And Pizza. I left the camera shop and immediately shot almost a whole roll of film. Wow. I had forgotten how satisfying the click-whir of a film camera can be. I’m sure I’ll remember the grief of film soon when I run out of film or start paying for developing again. I will admit that several times I couldn’t stop the reflex of looking at the screen after I took a questionable shot (note to brain: There is not little screen on the back of your film camera).
Again, unfortunately, the shots I took were very area-recognizable, so when I do get them processed (processed! How quaint!), I probably wont be able to post any of them of Flickr, but those in the know know where they can be found.
I’m feeling very good, but I haven’t been working as much as I should be, so I’m going to get back to it.