Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chain Factor Game

I know I've posted game links before, but oh my, you need to be careful with this one. It's kinda tetris-like in that you're dropping pieces from above, but all the pieces are single units with numbers inside them. To get the pieces to go away (blow up), the number must match either its horizontal or vertical positioning. Then of course there are the blocks without numbers. Those you have to break by having numbered blocks blow up next to them.

Give it a try... er... when you don't have anything to do for a while :)

Chain Factor.


Scrivener said...

That game is addictive.

BrightStar (B*) said...

Um... dude? What's up with that slideshow? Whose photos are those?

zerodoll said...

yeah, those photos are unexpected.

Overread said...

er... those were supposed to be my photos, but umm... not so much, eh? Lets see if I can fix that

sheepish said...

I hate you so much right now. Also for that Yin/Yang game - kept me up a few hours too late.

jayfish said...

what a fun game!

jayfish said...

poo. can't seem to get much past 150k...