Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Here is an interesting picture archive. It's only US history, but it's pretty interesting. We may have a lot of problems, but we have made progress: children at work. There are also some amazing shots of other periods. There's even a page about Lange's photography.

Don Asmussen is funny.

I'm really tempted to try making a paper pinhole camera.

Poke around here. Some really odd and beautiful things are going on there. I think this one came from the brother or the sister. I forget :(

Ok, gotta run to class.


RussianViolets said...

Hey, these links are great. Thank you! I've been trying to take and post more pictures, but it's stuff like this that reminds me how lacking my skills are.

Overread said...

That's why I want to do the pinhole camera. Then I can blame the pictures' problems on the camera! ooo wait, I can do that already...

Stewgad said...

ONLY U.S. History???!!!! Sigh. :)

Another great site for American History photos is the Library of Congress's American Memory collection.

Thanks for the link-

Overread said...

yeah, I should have linked the LoC site. That thing is wonderful. There's so much there, it's almost overwhelming.