Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Plan Your Vacations Accordingly

Well, this raises more questions than it answers:

Orange dots = more single women than men
Blue dots = more single men than women

It says it's from the National Geographic Magazine, but I don't get that anymore, and I couldn't find it on their website, so I'm not completely convinced. However, I saw it on the internets, so it's got to be true, right?

So what's up with the man-heavy west coast eh? And what did the east coast do with all their guys? And for crying out loud, New England's at least got spots of blue over there, but the south looks like they got rid of all their men. Spooky I tells ya.


knightjorge said...

The Utah portion is not true, I swear. There seem to be no single men, at least none worth having, in the Salt Lake City area like that map says. If they are single they're 30+ and are only interested in girls between 18 and 23. If you're older than 23 you're screwed.

If you're older than 23 and divorced, like I am, you're doubly screwed.

The map just got me thinking about that and I thought I'd share.

sheepish said...

Hmmm. Very interesting. I want to say something about men being more mobile (based on gender disparities in hiring practices) and moving to the newer job centers (west), but I don't know if that's really right. I used to live in one of those large blue dots, but I swear I read statistics at the time going the other way. But if it's on the internet, it must be so.

sheepish said...

Heh. I missed your post title at first.

~profgrrrrl~ said...

This explains my problems 100%

zerodoll said...

knightjorge, that's because they are mormon, hello... they need breeders.

mendi-la said...

you find the most interesting information...