Monday, May 23, 2005

Monday Run

5k - 28:43

I'm trying to go running three times a week - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. There's a really wonderful trail right outside my door that's about 5 kilometers long, so that's what I run. It's another reason that I'm really sad to have to leave this condo.

I stopped running during the winter, and just started up again a couple of weeks ago. I felt really pretty good after today's run. I've been hovering around the upper 28 minute mark for the past few runs, and I was pretty happy about that until I took a look at my run times for the same track from last October. I was running the exact same trail in a little over 23 minutes. Well, poop. I guess I've got a target now, eh?

No classes today, just papers and papers and papers to be graded.

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