Friday, June 24, 2005


Whew. I don’t think I’ve needed a weekend this bad in a long time. Pity I don’t get to enjoy it much. Well, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it. I just won’t be able to be as lazy as I want to be.

Today’s accomplishments:

-faxed next to last piece of random paper to people arranging late-summer trip
-threw out peaches that were becoming a little less than peachy (tho’ they smelled nice)
-four hours of the COD
-replaced ‘Prof. Article’s iMac memory
-3 hours of Photo class

The photography class today was great fun. Another student and I developed a couple of prints. We did one ‘wet,’ with all the noxious chemicals and stuff, and another two in the monster print machine. Both were amazing. It’s wonderful to see a sheet of white paper blossom into a photograph right in front of you. We would still need to do a few more tests to get the exposure down well, but the prints looked pretty good for armatures!

The down side to that is that I ended up buying the wrong film a week ago. I got ‘black and white film for color processing only.’ What the heck? Does that even make sense? I need to buy paper anyway, so I’m going to make the long trek to the pro photo shop this weekend and pick up a whole bunch of toys. Well, maybe that’s not a down side then.

The first assignment is a self portrait, and I think I know what I’m going to do. I think I’m going to take several pictures of my face in different poses and with different expressions each morning next week as I let my beard grow out. Then I’m going to cut the photos into vertical bands and splice them together into individual pictures of each specific pose at the end of the week. I’m hoping it will be a passage of time kind of series. Hmm. That might not have made sense. Pity if it didn’t, ‘cause I ain’t posting the results, even if they rock.

Ah, Friday. Maybe I will be a little lazy tonight. That sounds nice. I might just go to sleep. That sounds nice too.

1 comment:

mendi-la said...

i really must see your self portrait - what a fabulous idea!