Friday, November 11, 2005

To Eat! Perchance to Burp, Aye, There's the Rub.

For from this food of dinner, what burps may come when they been shoveled off their paper plate must give us pause.

Thank you, thank you. My years of theatrical training haven't gone to waist. Er.. waste.

I've actually been productive today. I'm a bit surprised.
I did a bit more on getting the PhD applications together - The current list is 11 schools. I'm happy to get things done with that, but there's so much more work to do.
I also even got a bit of writing done on the thesis. Yea me!

Still plenty of work to do, but I'm going to go and reward myself with some food. And maybe a toy. Maybe 2 toys.

Also, here are the new mascots for the 2008 olympics. They picked 5. yeesh. Couldn't choose?

I have to admit though - this one's cute:


mendi-la said...

those mascots are much cuter than anything that's been done before

Camera Obscura said...

More mascots = more yen from souveniers. And Mendi-la is right; Whosis and Whatsis from the Greek games were more deformed albino Gumbies than anything else.

Lawsy, isn't that just the slowest-loading page?