Sunday, December 04, 2005

Rock, Sure, But Roll?

I'm still neck-deep in applications, so I don't know if there'll be a quiz tonight, maybe, maybe not. I just wanted to pop up for a sec and mention that Rock and Roll might not be the best foundation for a city. I mean, if you build a city on Rock and Roll, I'm imagining your insurance premiums are going to be really high.

What with all the rocking and rolling and all...


BrightStar (B*) said...

random and hilarious. :)

luckybuzz said...

Yeah--see, San Francisco was actually built on rock & roll, and see what happens there?

luckybuzz said...

Oh--and don't drown in applications. Do you need a snorkel?

zerodoll said...

Thanks for making a Starship song run through my head! Good luck with the applications!

jayfish said...

i think they actually meant rocks and jelly rolls. thems good constructin' things, yup.

...not as good as lego though.