Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Batting .500

The letters come rolling in. One small envelope and one large. So that's 6 responses and three acceptances, but really only two good options - you'll see why in a paragraph or two.

The small envelope was from NotAChanceInHell University, which didn't really surprise me. I mean with a name like that, would you even want to get in?

The large envelope is a little more vexing. It was from MonsterTheoretical University, which I honestly didn't think I could get in, but they did admit me. Here's the kicker - no funding. Nada. Zilch. They helpfully advised that I could get a part time job on campus. Now this is a huge, extraordinarily strong and important university, and while I realize that things are very difficult in the funding department, to not offer any aid at all seems a bit sad. There is very little chance that I could find a situation in which fronting ~$40k/year would work out. What do newly minted profs earn again?

To be completely honest, I am very flattered that they would consider me (if I were independently wealthy), and I'm very happy that they put the funding decision in the acceptance letter. Otherwise I would have put it high on my 'seriously consider' list. Now I can put it very low on the 'if all else fails' list.

I wonder, though... The two other acceptances I got only mentioned that they were still organizing the funding distribution. Is this just another way of getting students to commit and then tell them later that they don't have funding for them?

On a side note, one of my profs said, "Can they do that? I thought they had to fund everyone!" Hehe... He's one of those god-like creatures who universities fought over as a student and as a prof, so I doubt he had to worry about this particular trouble.

Another prof said, "Don't go anywhere that doesn't fund you fully." I hope that option is available to me.


jayfish said...

well, congratulations anyway!

mendi-la said...

yeah! - and at least you're getting responses - i have a friend who still hasn't heard anything. she's starting to worry.

BrightStar (B*) said...

Honestly? It is too early in the year for any of the doctoral students at my school who are already enrolled to be 100% certain about their funding situations -- they're stressed, but something will work out. I relate to the stress, but sometimes it just takes a while for everything to shake down and to match the students up with the possible assistantships. I know certainty would make everything feel better, though. I think you have EVERY RIGHT to contact both of those two schools, tell them that you are seriously considering the other one, and let them know that hearing from them about funding would help you be willing to commit to them over the other school. Totally. Do this. I would think the faculty at both places definitely want you to go there, and you're going to sometimes have to be the squeaky wheel in order to secure funding, unfortunately, so might as well start advocating for yourself now. I'd contact the chair of the department, perhaps?

Overread said...

I know that you're right B* - I'm just so bad at horn-tooting. I need to learn. I've already contacted one person about funding and some other issues, I think it's time to talk to someone else from the other school, too.

sigh. I want things to be easy!

BrightStar (B*) said...

oh, dude... it's academia. From this point forward, all extra cash is directly tied to horn tooting, so get used to it. :) Sorry. Just being realistic.

Phantom Scribbler said...

I'm betting that I know what Monster Theoretical University is. They did the same thing to my sister. She didn't go. Definitely not worth it.

Overread said...

hehe - maybe I need to come up with more obscure pseudonyms :)