Sunday, July 17, 2005

Amazon and Otters and Wizards, Oh My!

First, there are more zoo photos over at flickr, if you are interesting in such things as yawning otters.

Next, much sadness. I ordered the Harry Potter on, but I forgot to pick the correct shipping option! So no Harry Potter for me! What’s worse, is that when I came home, there was an Amazon box waiting for me, but it was filled, not with wizards and danger, but alas, with thesis fodder. So sad. Maybe I can fit Harry into my thesis somehow… In any case, the fine folks at Giant Megaconglomocorp Book City say that they are going to be releasing some of the reserved Potter books at 8 tonight. So, I’ll try that. If that works, I can read all night, be groggy and confused all day tomorrow!


Phantom Scribbler said...

Ooo, I hope it worked. Amazon must have had a lot of dissatisfied customers on this one, because they're refunding a dollar of the price to *everyone*. That's a lot of dollars...

RussianViolets said...

I feel your pain; mine is MIA also.

Overread said...

Phantom scribbler, I think you're right. Their margins were already going to be razor thin on this one. My problem was cause by me being a dunderhead, though, so I wont get my money back. It's okay though, I know plenty of folks who would read an extra copy. More books is better than no books.

Sorry to hear about your copy, russianviolets. I hope the owl comes soon!