Monday, July 18, 2005


I went to a Digital Workflow seminar in the city in place of the photography lecture. Wow, was it bad. At first, when the guy started talking, I thought he was mocking the Chris Farley ‘down by the river’ guy. Seriously. At the end of the seminar, I think he ran out of material, so he just started rambling on about CMYK and sRGB. For about 30 minutes.

Another example of another type of badness – he tells us that opening, altering and recompressing a photo in JPEG doesn’t really degrade the file, even if you do is several times. Ok, good information to know, right? But then he decides that he it would be better to show us. So he hooks up the camera, takes a picture of someone in the audience, downloads the file, moves it in from RAW to JPEG, makes an alteration, closes the file, opens it up again, makes another alteration etc… he did that four times.

Ye gods.

There was some good information, but it could have been delivered in a pamphlet. I think I was the only one from class who made it through the whole seminar, and I didn’t even win a door prize. None of this was helped by the fact that I only got a couple hours sleep, thanks to Mr. Potter.

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