Friday, August 05, 2005

In Praise of Taxpayers

On a tangentially related note, I received the last of my GI Bill money and I just wanted to thank all you generous taxpayers for underwriting a portion of my education. I think this is another opportunity to say Yea Government!

We so very seldom talk about things that the government does well. I certainly think the GI Bill is an outstanding program. I only wish there were other outlets of service besides the armed forces that a young person could take advantage of to receive a similar stipend.

And so, again, I thank you all,


Phantom Scribbler said...

Well, thank you. It's no small sacrifice, joining the military. The least we could do is subsidize part of your education in return, right?

RussianViolets said...

What Phantom said.

mendi-la said...

taxes, beautiful lovely taxes, ah-ha, ah-ha

Overread said...

Let's hear it for the king's snake! What was his name? Hiss?