Friday, August 05, 2005

You MUST Pay the Rent! I CAN'T Pay the Rent!

The rental hunt goes on. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I was insanely lucky in finding the place where I am right now. I’ve also come to terms with the fact that in any new place I’m going to be paying significantly more than what I’m paying now. That doesn’t mean I am going to be happy about it. I should be numb to this by now though. I mean, once you’ve taken out student loans equaling the GDP of most African nations, what’s a little more debt among friends?

I’ve got one meeting tomorrow to go and see a place that looks good on paper, but it’s a full year lease, and I don’t like that much. On the plus side, it’s very near where I’m living now, and I really like the area. It’s a three bedroom job with 2 roommates already installed.

Roommates. Can I please get to a point in my life where I can afford to live alone, or at least with people whom I choose to live with rather than a selection of the ‘it could be worse’ crowd?

This is definitely a time where it would be nice to have a car. ‘Course a car payment plus insurance plus gas would probably cancel out any savings I would have on rent by living further away.


mendi-la said...

my hero!

jayfish said...

curses! foiled again!!

Overread said...

I certainly hope that you guys are both using the little bow properly :)

mendi-la said...

would WE do it any other way...:P