Monday, February 20, 2006

Truly Miserable

Is there actually ice dancing to Les Miz in the Olympics, or was my sandwich laced with hallucinogens? Including the portion with gunfire? And are the skaters wearing blood-stained costumes?

Both commentators liked the music. Quote from the guy "It's what ice-dancing means to me." What is this? a high school paper?


sheepish said...

The woman had soot smeared on her skin too!

knightjorge said...

What am I missing by not watching the Olympics? Sounds like a lot of slightly weird.

Camera Obscura said...

Splat-fest the night before was a lot more fun.

BTW, which team was it that sucked face on the ice last night?

Overread said...

Well, I have to admit I was thinking about the day before when I wrote the haiku. It was getting really ugly out there. Maybe that's why the French couple's outfits were all sooty and bloody...