Sunday, October 09, 2005

Ahead, In the Distance, Procrastination

In order to avoid grading the silly little quiz (a badly designed one at that), I shall provide you with an anecdote!

I really need a haircut but I bicycled by the cheap Kampus Kuts place (not its real name, but it might as well be), and the only person there was the spooky barber dude. He's just a bad barber and the reeks of cigarettes. So, no cut for me today!

Thank you for listening to the anecdote!

As a reward, I give unto you - links of moderate amusement!

#1 - most excellent and cute little mini tiny itsy bitsy video games
They even sell tote bags with monkeys

#2 - the most hypnotic and bizarre cooperative (or adversarial) flash-based refrigerator door I've ever seen. Well, ok, it's the only one I've seen.

#3 - The advice-giving bunny. I don't make a decision without him.

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