Thursday, February 09, 2006


Well, I broke under a big number this morning on the weight scale. I haven’t been this light since I was in the army. Of course, I was a lot more muscular then, but I think I’m getting fitter now, and that’s the whole goal. Well, the other goal is to shrink my belly, but that’s happening slowly as well. Yeah me.

The problem is that I want to reward myself, and in the past, I’ve always rewarded myself with big honking tubs of food and candy. Hmm… Counter-productive, no? I’ve certainly earned a bag of skittles or something, but that seems pretty boring.


jayfish said...

i always end up buying some tech gadget...

Overread said...

yeah, I was kinda thinking about that... Camera toy? Thumbdrive? USB Nerf missile launcher?

The current reward is to stop grading papers and go home. There's a Borders and a CompUSA on the way... :)

zerodoll said...

how about a pedicure?

Overread said...

Hey - That'd be an idea... I think the blue-hairs at the salon might faint when I take off my shoes though

Camera Obscura said...

Massage. Trust me. Good for the body and soul.

mendi-la said...

i would treat myself to a good 'fun' book and a chai in a quiet spot - surely that can't be that bad for you