Wednesday, January 31, 2007

January in Photos

From my Photo365 blog:


Billie did this over at the Parts-n-Pieces' Project 365 blog and I really liked the idea, so I stole it.

I'm afraid my analysis will be less clear and insightful though. I have found it difficult to keep shooting, even when, or especially when, I'm not feeling inspired. I think it has helped me though. I am looking with photographer's eyes more often during the day and I like that a lot (and I promise I'll give them back eventually).

The thing is, I was never sure if this was going to be a photo journal of my daily meanderings, or a photo project to push myself to look for new pictures in familiar places. I think it's becoming both, even though I think it might be more rewarding if I focused on one or the other.

As for the photos themselves, it seems clear that I like patterns and graffiti. I'm trying to find new angles and perspectives, but many fall short. In particular, I'm disappointed in the candle shot. I really thought it would me more interesting. I'm a sucker for a cheap laugh and use food as comfort.

hmm... Maybe that should be my personal ad.

1 comment:

mendi-la said...

i likey...good tea?