Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Adventures in Banking

No time for a full update, as I:m still internetless at home and having to deal with internet cafes and apparantly a keyboard with no appostrophy. Odd.

n any case, I thought I should share the joy of Citibank:s reply to my request that they send my credit card infro to my new address in Japan so I can, ya know, eat and stuff.

They:d be happy to send it to my home address

ok - I:ll change my home address to Japan. I wrote them my new address and here is the reponse in all its glory:

We are unable to change your address as requested as we are limited to 24
characters on each of the first two lines and 20 characters on the third line,
including spaces. Please provide us with an abbreviated or alternate address.
You may send your change to the above address or call us.

Hmmm... So it:s only ok to live in places with short addresses. Unfortunate. I:m now wondering if I drop the prefecture off the address if it will still get to me. Adventures in banking, indeed.

1 comment:

Scrivener said...

That's perhaps the stupidest customer service response I have ever seen. Absolutely outrageous!