Thursday, August 04, 2005

In Which Our Hero Discovers A New Trail

14.14km – 1:23’40”

Well, it turns out that I’ve been running a bit of a shortcut in my campus loops run. I came around the corner following another couple of runners and they seemed to dart off into the bushes. I glanced in after them and ‘lo I did behold an entirely new (to me) loop of trail that I could tack on each and every one of my beloved loops. So now each loop that was a little over 2km is now 3km-ish. Yea! So I decided that I could run the same-ish distance in 3 loops that I used to do in 4. Also yea! But, when I got done with three loops, I thought – Hey, what the hell, I’ve got new shoes! So I ran another loop and ended up with a little over 14 kilometers (8.79 miles). Wow. I haven’t run that far in a long long time. My breath is staying good, and my heartrate is getting a bit lower. I'm still getting used to the shoes, so I've got a blister or two and had a brief hint of shin splints, but that went away pretty quickly. All I'm getting that lasts is the muscle burn, so that's good indeed!

Now for all of you nattering nabobs that are thinking Wow, Mr. Overread, don’t you think that this running thing might be eating a bit too much into your schedule? I answer, Yes. Indeed it is. It’s a method not only for losing weight (which isn’t working as long as I keep eating the way I do), but also avoidance of work! What a stroke of genius!


Running should only be attempted under the direction of a physician or other capable physical trainer. In a small sampling or runners, there have been a few instances of pain, broken bones, lacerations, sleeplessness, loss of bowel control, spelling problems, purchasing of overpriced accessories, unnatural desire for cheesecake of the photographic and gastronomic varieties, and death, and saying silly things like 'Hazaah!'

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