Sunday, December 04, 2005

Raisin Detour*

So, this is what frantically trying to get all these applications together at the last second does to me:

I sent emails to a couple of the people I'd like to work with at XXXX. I appologized for my applicaiton being a couple days late and wrote a quick overview of my research and how it fit with theirs, and politely asked if they would still take the application under consideration.

Not too awful, right?

Except I mispelled one of their names.


Anyway, the first two apps are out. Ugly, but out. That's ok, I don't think I could really live in XXXX town (watch - that's where I'll end up), and I don't have a great chance at XXXXXXXX. How's that for justification!

*Raison d'etre - That's why blogs are here, right? To record our humiliations for the world to see for all eternity, right?


Phantom Scribbler said...

Perhaps it's a name that's commonly misspelled? I know my husband doesn't take offense when applicants misspell his name. Hell, he doesn't take offense when the SCHOOL misspells his name, and he's been there for more than 10 years now. He's got a whole cabinet full of misspelled teaching awards...

Overread said...

well, it is a commonly misspelled name... I hope she is as gracious as your husband. I can't imagine the school misspelling his name though, that's pretty funny. Sad, but funny :)