Thursday, September 01, 2005

E Pluribus Sue-'em

The plot has stopped thickening.  After telling me he had no intention of calling her, the collections agency guy called my friend’s mom immediately after speaking to me.  I can only assume it didn’t matter to him if we all believe him to be a liar and in general a slimy human being.  I guess that’s just part of the job.  
In any case, the case is closing.  The agency will get a little bit of money from both my friend’s mom and myself (in small doses over time).  The slimy man will get his cut, and everyone will go home without resorting to legal joy.  
This is the best solution, I guess.  I’ll be able to unsuspend my license in a few weeks, although it just happened to expire while suspended, so I get to take the test again.  I’m sure that will be a barrel of laughs.  
Stewgad mentioned in comments that my friend’s not having insurance was the big problem in all this.  I do agree to a point.  If only she hadn’t let her coverage lapse, so many things would have gone more smoothly, and certainly never would have gotten to this extreme.  However, I have a hard time blaming others when I can legitimately blame myself.  I was the guy who was driving when I hit the other car.  That’s the fundamental start of all of this.  
The great thing is that all this trouble hasn’t soured our friendship.  Maybe someday much later we’ll have it out and accusations will fly, but for now we’re still friends and I’m lucky to have a friend like her.

1 comment:

RussianViolets said...

Oh good god, Overread, what a pain!!