Wednesday, July 27, 2005


My life needs to be google-able.

I just ran into a gal who was in my ballroom dancing class 2 (?) years ago, and we just had a nice half hour chat. She and the whole trio of gals from the class that I hung out with are all doing well and heading off to Europe for a little backpacking. She’s going into such and such a department but is having trouble with grades and roommates and such. Anyway, lovely little chat.

What is her name?

I can’t remember. She very cleverly wove the names of the other two in the trio into the conversation, but I couldn’t remember hers. Then at the end of the conversation, I thought I remembered her name but was too unsure to use it.

Wouldn’t life be better if you could just google it?


BrightStar (B*) said...

and what would your query look like?

"tell me the name of that one girl I met that one time"


mendi-la said...

i can no longer live happily without google or tivo...the times are a changing