Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Snopes and the Mailbag of Terror

Snopes is the best site I've seen for debunking urban legends, but they've just put up a post listing some of the requests that they've gotten that they can't seem to (or won't) answer. Some of them are hilarious:

My younger sis heard: in order for a cologne/perfume/fragrance to be compatible to one's body chemistry, spray a sample and then lick it. If the taste stings the tongue, it is not suitable; no sting — it's a good match.

Please advise before I test the handful of colognes I've been using!

Never trust a guy who uses a handful of colognes.

I just read a blurb that pre-packaged foods can cause people to turn gay because of too much estrogen. If I was only allowed one question for snopes, I would ask if this is true. Is it?

We live in enlightened times.

Is Ciara a MAN????? PLEASE ANSWER ME BACK!!!!!

I love the urgency of this one.

A friend of mine asked me if I've ever hear of invisible witches or ghosts that suck the blood out of a person's arm while they are sleeping. Apparently, she saw "marks" on her boyfriend's arm and this was the story that he told her.

"Um, yeah, babe, haven't you heard of the invisible witches? They um... suck on your arm and leave those marks, see?"

I'm 19 and from Yuma, Az and I would like to know if this myth I'v been hearing is true? By masturbating it helps the chance by not getting cancer? Is that true?..also I'v hurd other myths about masturbation and don't know if those myths are true or not. But I would like to know about the question I asked before.

I think that's what Joycelyn Elders said, right?

My friend swears that you can't be prosecuted for stealing a dead body because it has no intrinsic value. Is this true?

I think there are questions you should be asking your friend, not Snopes...

I would like to know what does work and what does not work for getting rid of 'hickeys.' Such as the cold spoon trick, toothpaste trick, etc.

I heard that rubbing a hickey with a penny makes it disappear faster. Is that true?

Are these from the 'invisible witch' guy?

Is it true that a girl cannot get pregnant if her mate smokes the seeds of marijuana when he smokes marijuana, please tell me if this is true because a lot of people tell me it is true and a lot of people tell me it's not and I don't know whaether to believe it or notbecause this town lies a lot. thanks.

This town does lie a lot, doesn't it?

Can you give me ANY statistics about urban legends on the internet? Anything!!! My speech is due monday and I have to have a few statistics in it.

And thus a scholar is born.

I've heard that it is impossible to take a lightbulb out of your mouth once one puts it in, without either breaking the bulb or dislocating the jaw.

Do you know if this is true? I'm counting on you - my husband is really curious, and I don't want to have to drive him to the hospital...

Enlightened times, indeed.


mendi-la said...

this frightens me...

RussianViolets said...

Frightening -- and hilarious!