Sunday, May 22, 2005

Boxing Day

Well, job #3 is done for today, and in fact I won't get any more of these jobs until the fall, which is sad, because I enjoy it and it gives me a little extra cash. Oh well.

The true drama is that my landlords are recarpeting the entire condo. What this means is that I need to get my life into boxes again and make my world mobile. This would be only an inconvenience for a week or so if I were organized, but since I'm never home, I haven't really kept up on the whole day-to-day cleaning and organizing. So, I'm going home early, but only so I can throw everything randomly into boxes. ick.

This is all just preparation for the bigger ick. They're selling the condo. That means I get to move again. I've been there for about two years now and it's the best place with the best landlords I've ever had, and of course I'm only realizing this because I'm looking at new places.

Ah, well, if all goes well, the thesis and all its attached attachments will be done by this winter, and then I'll probably be moving on again. I can withstand a lot if I only have to do it for six or seven months. I hope.

Sidenote: I believe that in all these years, I haven't added 'ick' to my word processor dictionary.

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